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6 Ways to Keep the Brain Healthy and Active

June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, a perfect time to get involved with activities that keep the brain healthy and active. The brain is one of the body’s most important organs, and it is never too late to start taking better care of it. Growing evidence suggests certain lifestyle behaviors contribute to overall brain health and can reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

Try incorporating these activities into your current routine for a positive effect on brain health.

  • a few residents of CLV staying active on the putting green.Stay active.
    Staying active is  physically and mentally beneficial. Engaging in cardiovascular exercises such as walking, biking and swimming elevates the heart rate and increases blood flow to the brain. Aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio per week. With a fitness center, indoor pool, walking trails and daily exercise classes, staying active is easy to do at Carroll Lutheran Village.
  • Get plenty of rest.  
    Sleep has a significant role in brain health by helping to store memories more effectively. Seven to eight hours of sleep each night tends to be most beneficial.
  • Stay connected.
    Maintaining social engagement is associated with a lower risk of dementia and extended life expectancy. Take part in social activities that are meaningful to you and look for ways to participate in group events. Many of our residents find connection through volunteering, joining a resident committee, participating in exercise classes or taking trips at Carroll Lutheran Village.
  • Keep your mind engaged.  
    Activate your brain by reading, playing card games or working on a puzzle. Challenging your mind provides both short and long-term cognitive benefits.
  • Manage stress.  
    Chronic stress has a negative impact on the area of the brain responsible for memory and learning. Meditation, mindful breathing exercises and spending time outdoors are all great methods to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.
  • Eat right.  
    Proper nutrition with a balanced diet is valuable to both the mind and the body. Dark green leafy vegetables, fatty fish, berries and walnuts are all foods with proven benefits related to brain health. Recognizing the importance of nutrition is key to healthy aging, which is why Carroll Lutheran Village provides healthy and delicious meals in its four on-site restaurants. Learn more about nutrition.

Overall brain health is a vital component to healthy aging, and by incorporating these activities, a routine can be established that includes preventative measures aimed at keeping the brain healthy. 
