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February 15, 2023

What You Need to Know About Low Vision

Low vision makes it difficult to do everyday activities. Learn about the causes and symptoms and get tips on low vision prevention.
January 6, 2023

Author Ernest Thompson’s Debut Novel Tour in Westminster

Ernest Thompson returns to Westminster where the award-winning author has roots. Lean more about his ties to the area and his debut novel.
January 5, 2023

See You Around Larry Eyler!

Working 40 years at one job is almost unheard of these days, but Larry Eyler did it. Discover why Eyler didn't think he would make it at CLV.
December 27, 2022

Healthy Holiday Living Tips

Staying healthy during the holiday season can be challenging. Follow these healthy tips to keep yourself on track.
October 31, 2022

A Little Positivity Goes a Long Way

Positivity can lead to better mental health and well-being. Try these tips to help you live more optimistically.
August 10, 2022

Programs at CLV Help Residents Stay Active and Fit

Learn how programs at CLV help residents stay active and fit. Discover how a CLV resident maintains her good health.
August 10, 2022

Carroll’s Best 2022

We’re happy to share that Carroll Lutheran Village was voted as a Carroll’s Best 2021 winner for the 10th year in a row!
June 24, 2022

Tips for Staying Active as You Age

Discover how staying active, using the seven dimensions of wellness, can help improve your overall health.
June 21, 2022

Six Tips to Keep Your Brain Healthy

Your brain health is as important as your mental health. Discover six tips to help keep your mind sharp as you age.